• 江志煌
  • 職稱:助理教授
  • 電話:07-6254141 分機978411
  • 學歷:

    Ph.D., Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Cheng Kung University(NCKU), 1997
    B.S., Department of Mechanical Enginnering, National Taiwan University, 1989

  • 經歷:

    助理教授(Assistant Professor)

  • 研究方向:

    Experimental fluid dynamics
    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

  • 教授課程:

    Measurement Techinology

A. Published/Accepted Journal Papers

  1. Chia-Wei Hsu, Chih-Huang Chiang, and Bo-Wen Lin, “Design and Flow Analysis of Multiple Synthetic Actuator,” Journal of Air Force Institute of Technology, Vol. 20, pp. 32-39, 2021.
  2. Cheng-Chiang Hsu and Chih-Huang Chiang, “An Investigation on the Statistics of Mixing Layer Rolling-up under External Noise,” Journal of Air Force Institute of Technology, Vol. 20, pp. 95-102, 2021
  3. Chih Huang Chiang, Cheng Chiang Hsu, and Dong Yu Lai, “Observations of the Air Cavities due to the Impacts of Free-Falling Spheres on the Water Surface,” Journal of Air Force Institute of Technology, Vol. 18 , pp. 45-50, 2019.
  4. Cheng Chiang Hsu, Chih Huang Chiang, and Dong Yu Lai, “An Investigation on the Impacting Process of Dam-Break Wave in a
  5. Tank by Using SPH,” Journal of Air Force Institute of Technology, Vol. 18 , pp. 51-60, 2019.
  6. Chih Huang Chiang and Cheng Chiang Hsu, “Experimental Observations of the Vertical Water Entry of Spherical Projectiles,” Journal of Air Force Institute of Technology, Vol. 17, pp. 61-68, 2018.


B. Conference Papers

  1. 許掙強、江志煌、葉崇偉,以渦流模擬探討黏滯效應對渦流捲起演進的影響,中國機械工程學會第三十八屆全國學術研討會,2021年12月3、4日
  2. 許掙強、江志煌、葉崇偉,渦流捲起混沌運動發展探討,2021航太學會學術研討會,2021年10月30日
  3. 許掙強、江志煌,白噪環境下混合層流渦流捲起模擬與探討,2021第十一屆航空科技與飛航安全暨第九屆航空與社會學術研討會,2021年6月4日
  4. 許掙強、江志煌,混合層流空間發展渦流模擬與紊流特性探討,2021第十一屆航空科技與飛航安全暨第九屆航空與社會學術研討會,2021年6月4日
  5. 許掙強、江志煌,混合層流相似特性渦流模擬,2020 第十屆航空科技與飛航安全暨第八屆航空與社會學術研討會,2020年4月24日
  6. Cheng-Chiang Hsu, Chih-Huang Chiang and Chia-Wei Hsu, “A Numerical Study on the Dynamic Evolution of Dambreaking Wave Impacting on a Vertical Wall,” The 7-th Asia-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, 18-20 Dec. 2019, Taipei, Taiwan.
  7. 江志煌、許掙強,可自動對準風向之風車支柱整流罩剖面形狀設計,2018 第八屆航空科技與飛航安全暨第六屆航空與社會學術研討會,高雄市,2018年5月
  8. Chih Huang Chiang, Chung-Chiang Hsu, and Pan-Chia Chen, “Optimized Design of 2-D Streamlined Bodies with Stable and Low Drag Performance,” no. 01-06, 2017 AASRC Conference, Taichung, December 9, 2017.
  9. 江志煌、徐嘉偉,以粒子群最佳化法設計基於NACA修訂4數字厚度函數之低雷諾數翼型,2017第七屆航空科技與飛航安全暨第五屆航空與社會學術研討會,高雄市,2017年6月
  10. Chih Huang Chiang and Pan-Chia Chen, “Design of Two-Dimensional Low-Drag Streamlined Bodies using Particle Swarm Optimization Method,” no. 01-05, 2016 AASRC Conference, Kangshan Kaohsiung , November 5, 2016.
  11. 江志煌、陳邦家、杜耿銘,共軛方向搜尋法用於正俯仰係數二維翼型之最佳化設計,2016航空機械工程學術研討會,高雄市,2016年10月


C. Books
1. The Study of Cellular Vortical Structures on 3-D Turbulent Wake behind Tapered Circular Cylinders, Ph.D. Dissertation, National Cheng Kung University, 1997.


D. Research Projects

  1. 機場戰損偵測用無人飛行載具系統研發,MOST 110-2637-E-344-001-,科技部,2021/08/01 ~ 2022/07/31,共同主持人
  2. 產學合作計畫-無人飛行載具用導管風扇之可調定子葉片裝置開發與測試,106-2622-E-344-001 -CC3,科技部,2017/06/01 ~ 2018/08/31,主持人
  3. 產學合作計畫-農地監測用無人飛行載具系統及多光譜數據分析應用軟體開發,106-2622-E-344-002 -CC3,科技部,2017/06/01 ~ 2018/08/31,共同主持人

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