- 點閱 3359
- 列印
- 洪承澤
- 職稱:助理教授
- 電話:07-6254141 分機978400
- 電子郵件:clarinet8721@gmail.com
- 學歷:
Ph.D., Department of Business Administration, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, June 2021
M.B.A., Defense Resource Management and Decision-making Institute, National Defense University Management College, June 2011.
A.S., Department of Avionic Engineering, Air Force Institute of Technology, June 2003.
- 經歷:
助理教授(Assistant professor)
- 研究方向:
Organization Behavior
Sustainability Development
- 教授課程:
Modern Engineering Statistics
Basic Mathematics
Independent Study
A. Published/Accepted Journal Papers
1. Cheng, J. W., *Hung, C. Z., Yen, H. C., Seih, Y. T., & Chien, K. M. (2022). Risk-facing or risk-avoiding? Group loyalty encourages subordinates to tell the truth. The Journal of Social Psychology, 162(4), 407-422. (SSCI). (Impact Factor=2.712)第二兼通訊作者
2. Chang, T. W., & *Hung, C. Z. (2022). Sustainable consumption: Research on examining the influence of the psychological process of consumer green purchase intention by using a theoretical model of consumer affective events. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-21. (SCIE). (Impact Factor=3.219)第二兼通訊作者
B. Conference Papers
C. Research Projects
綠色生產與永續消費推動上,綠色產品資訊不對稱真的是不道德犯罪誘惑的推手嗎?探討資訊不對稱觀點下對企業漂綠行為的影響,國科會,計畫主持人(111-2410-H-344 -001)
Outstanding Teacher of the Ministry of Defense, 2022.
Air Force Aeronautical Academy Research Merit Honors,2022