- 點閱 3193
- 列印
- 林孟穎 Meng-Ying Daphne Lin
- 職稱:助理教授
- 電話:07-6254141分機978492
- 連結網址:林孟穎師資
- 學歷:
加拿大多倫多大學 教育研究所 第二語言教育 博士 (2009~2015)
私立靜宜大學英國語文學系(語言學組) 碩士 (1999~2003)
私立靜宜大學英國語文學系(語言學組) (輔系國際貿易) 學士 (1994~1998)
- 經歷:
國立台北商業大學應用外語系 約聘助理教授
加拿大多倫多大學東亞語言學系(Department of East Asian Studies)教學助理
加拿大多倫多大學語言研究系(Department of Language Studies)教學助理
- 研究方向:
- 教授課程:
1. Meng-Ying Daphne Lin. (2023). The effects of mediation tools on students’ online collaborative writing and individual writing. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 相關網站 (SSCI)
2. Yang, J. C., Lin, M.-Y. D.*, & Chen, S. Y. (2018). Effects of anxiety levels on learning performance and gaming performance in digital game-based learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 相關網站(SSCI)
3. Wang, Y.-F., Tsai, P.-H., Goodman, D., & Lin, M.-Y. (2010). Agreement, acknowledgment, and alignment: The discourse-pragmatic functions of hao and dui in Taiwan Mandarin conversation. Discourse Studies, 12(2), 241–267.相關網站(SSCI)
4. Wang, Y.-F., Tsai, P.-H., & Lin, M.-Y. (2007). From informational to emotive use: meiyou (`no’) as a discourse marker in Taiwan Mandarin conversation. Discourse Studies, 9(5), 677–701. 相關網站(SSCI)
B. BOOK CHAPTERS (peer-reviewed)
1. Lin, M.-Y. D.*, Ramirez, G., Wilson, J. S., & Geva, E. (2012). Bridging lexical knowledge and literacy. In A. Cumming, & E. Geva (Eds), Understanding Adolescent Literacy in a Culturally Diverse Context (pp. 102-117). New York: Routledge.
1. Lin, M.-Y. D. (2021, May). Exploring how mediation tools facilitated
computer-mediated collaborative writing. Paper will be presented in the 38th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning, Kaohsiung.
2. Lin, M.-Y. D. (2018, March). Second language collaborative writers' interactions in a tool-mediated writing environment. Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL 2018), Chicago, Illinois.
3. Lin, M.-Y. D. (2017, May). Second language collaborative writers’ perceptions and communication relationships toward computer-supported collaborative writing. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on e-Learning & Innovative Pedagogies, Toronto, Ontario.
4. Yang, J. C., Huang, B. & Lin, M.-Y. D.* (2016, Sep). Degree of form-meaning association and prior knowledge on vocabulary learning in digital game-based learning. Paper presented at the 35th Second Language Research Forum 2016 (SLRF 2016), New York.
5. Tomita, Y. & Lin, M.-Y. D.* (2015, March). Investigating the effects of form-focused instruction from a multidimensional perspective: a look at L2 learners developing complexity, accuracy, and fluency. Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics 2015 (AAAL 2015), Toronto, Ontario.
6. Lin, M.-Y. (2014, March). Tool-mediated writing development in a collaborative writing classroom. Poster presentation at the 35th Annual NYS TESOL Applied Linguistics Winter Conference, New York.
7. Lin, M.-Y. (2013, May). Second language learners’ writing development in a computer-supported collaborative writing classroom. Paper presented at the 30th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning, Tainan.
8. Lin, M.-Y. (2013, March). The relationships between the use of meditational tools and writing performance in a computer-supported collaborative writing classroom. Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL 2013), Dallas.
9. Spada, N., Tomita, Y., Lin, M.-Y.* & Chao. H. (2013, March). Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency: The Development of the English 'Passive' with Instructed Learners. Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL 2013), Dallas.
10. Lin, M.-Y. (2012, March). Collaborative writing processes in a computer-supported classroom. Dean's Graduate Student Research Conference (DGSRC), Toronto, Ontario.
11. Lin, M.-Y. (2011, June). Collaborative writing among college students in Taiwan: what are their mediating strategies? Symposium on the Second Language Writing 2011 (SSLW 2011), Taipei.
12. Lin, M.-Y., Wilson, J., & Geva, E. (2011, April). Lexical knowledge and literacy development of multicultural adolescents. Paper presented at the Internal Symposium on Language & Literacy in Immigrant Children, Toronto, Ontario.
13. Geva, E., Lin, M.‐Y.*, & Wilson, J. (2011, March). The development and contributions of lexical knowledge to literacy achievement. In A. C. (Chair), Complementary perspectives on literacy development among culturally diverse, at‐risk adolescents in two cities. Colloquium conducted at the American Association for Applied Linguistics 2011 (AAAL 2011), Chicago, Illinois.
14. Lin, M.-Y. (2010, October). The interactive effects of task complexity and task condition on L2 writing. Poster session presented at the Second Language Research Forum (SLRF 2010), Maryland.
1. Lin, M.-Y. (Mar. 2018). 第二語言寫作和說話有關係? Does second language learners’ talking promote their writing? Retrieved from 相關文件
2. Lin, M.-Y. (Jan. 2018). 一位阿根廷學者在美國學術界的求生之旅 From South to North: An Argentine scholar’s surviving journey in the U.S. academia. Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter Quarterly, 19(1), 77-83. Retrieved from