• 徐明生
  • 職稱:助理教授
  • 電話:07-6254141 分機978411
  • 學歷:

    Ph.D., Institute of Aerospace Engineering, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), June 1999

    M.S., Institute of Aerospace Engineering, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), June 1995

  • 經歷:

    助理教授(Assistant professor)

  • 研究方向:


    Metal Powder Manufacturing

    Spray Forming

    Aircraft Fabrication and Maintenance

  • 教授課程:

    Fluid Mechanics and Experiments

    Thermodynamics and Experiments


  • PatentS:

    1.王覺寬,徐明生,康煜昌,楊舒然,“ 內混式縫隙型噴嘴裝置 ” 中華民國專利證書證明專利發明129344號,專利期間2001.3.11~2018.9.29.(技術轉移恆碩科技股份有限公司)

    2. 徐明生,王覺寬 “超音速高溫液態金屬噴嘴裝置” 中華民國發明專利證書號數1236932,專利期間2005.8.1~2023.9.23.

    3. 王覺寬,徐明生,賴等參 ,郭憲岑,邱俊賢,林天柱,楊哲睿,郭振展,“氣助式中央旋轉型噴嘴裝置” 中華民國發明專利申請案號92133999,專利期間2006.6.1~2023.12.2.


A. Published/Accepted Journal Papers

1. M. R. Wang, M. S. Sheu, C. K. Wang, and F. C. Lin, “Effects of Atomization Air-assist and Air-blast Type Planar Injector”, Transactions of the Aeronautical and Astronautical Society of the Republic of China, Vol.29, No.2, pp. 185-193, June 1997. (EI)

2.M. R. Wang, M. S. Sheu, F. C. Lin, “Study on the Control of Spray Angles in a Pressure Atomizer”, Transactions of the Aeronautical and Astronautical Society of the Republic of China, Vol.31, No.2, pp. 117-126, June 1999. (EI)

3. Ming-Shen Sheu, "Atomization in Spray Jet from a Micro-nozzle", Journal of Air Force Institute of Technology, pp.51-60, 2002.

4. Ming-Shen Sheu, "Dynamic Characteristic of the Spray for Simplex Nozzle Assisted with Normal and Side Jet Impingingments ", Journal of Air Force Institute of Technology, pp.93-102, 2003.

5. Ming-Shen Sheu, " Design of Nozzle and Aerodynamics of Gas Atomization for High-temperature Liquid Metal ", Journal of Air Force Institute of Technology, pp.93-102, 2004. (EI)

6. M. R. Wang, T. S. Lai, T. C. Lin, C. H. Chiu, C. J. Yang, M. S. Sheu, “Optimization of Metal Powder Production by Gas Atomization Processes With Internal-Mixing Mechanism”, Transactions of the Aeronautical and Astronautical Society of the Republic of China, Vol.37, No.2, pp. 153-162, June 2005. (EI)

7. M. S. Sheu, “Gasdynamics of an Internal-mixing Nozzle for High-temperature Liquid Metal”, Transactions of the Aeronautical and Astronautical Society of the Republic of China, Vol.37, No.4, pp., 2005. December  2005. (EI)

8. M.R. Wang*, C.C. Kuo, C.J. Yang, J.S. Chiu ,M.S. Sheu " Production of Metal Powder by Gas Atomization Processes in a Linear Atomizer with Low Aspect Ratio ", Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.27, No.2, pp.159~164,2006 (EI)

9. M.R. Wang*, C.J. Yang, J.D. Huang, T.C. Lin, M.S. Sheu " Effects of Substrate Geometry on Performance of Twin-Fluid Atomizer in Metal Powder Production

 ", Materials Science Forum, Vol. 594 (2008), No.2, pp. 138~149, 2008, (SCI) (, Rank 119/177, IF: 0.498)

10. J. M.Char, M.S. Sheu " The Improvement of Superical Fluid Cleaning Mechanism by Using Spray Injector ", Journal of  Aeronautics, Aeronautics and Aviation, Series B, Vol. 41, No.1,pp.017~024,2009(EI)

11. Ming-Shen Sheu, Uon-Jien Payne, Kuo-Ann Yih, Jia-Wei Li“Analysis of Stall Flow in Turbine Engine Compressor”, Journal of Air Force Institute of Technology, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 29-42, 2014。主發表人(6分)

12. Kuo-Ann Yih,  Chuo-Jeng Huang,  Uon-Jien Payne,  Ming-Shen Sheu “Mixed Convection of Water at 4oC about a Vertical Cone with Variable Wall Temperature in a Porous Medium: the Entire Regime”, Journal of Air Force Institute of Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 157-166, 2013。

13. Kuo-Ann Yih,  Uon-Jien Payne,  Ming-Shen Sheu,  Chuo-Jeng Huang “Free Convection about a Permeable Horizontal Circular Cylinder in a Porous Medium Filled with a Nanofluid”, Journal of Air Force Institute of Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 141-156, 2013。


B. Conference Papers
1. M. R. Wang, M. S. Sheu, W. H. Lai, “Distributions and Collisions of Sprays in an Airblast Planar Injector”, The 7th Interanational Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, ICLASS-`97, Volume II, pp. 302-309.

2. M.R., M.S. Sheu, Y. C. Kang, “Atomization Performance of an Internal Mixing Planar Liquid Metal Injector”, Abstract Proceedings of the Seventh National Conference on Science and Technology of National Defense, pp.28, 1998.

3. M. R. Wang, F. C. Lin, M.S. Sheu, and Y. T. Kang, “Effects of Injector Expansion Angle on the Spray Flow Field”, Proceedings of the Eighth National Conference on Combustion Science and Technology and the Workshop on Thermal-fluid Science Program of National Science Council, pp.421-426, 1998.

4. M. R. Wang, F. C. Lin, M.S. Sheu, Y. T. Kang, “Control of Cone Angle in a Pressure Swirler Atomizer”, The 39 conference on Aeronautics and Astronautics, pp.571-577, R. O. C, Tainan, TAIWAN December 1997.

5. M. R. Wang, M. S. Sheu, C. K. Wang, and F. C. Lin, “Effects of Atomization Air-assist and Air-blast Type Planar Injector”, The 38 conference on Aeronautics and Astronautics, R. O. C, Tainan, Taiwan, December, pp.507-514, 1996.

6. M. R. Wang, M. S. Sheu, and W. H. Lai, “Distributions and Collisions of Sprays to Airblast Planar Injectors”, Proceedings of the sixth national Conference on Combustion Science and Technology, pp.1-8, March 1996.  

7. M. R. Wang, M. S. Sheu, W. H. Lai, and C.K. Wang, “Atomization Characteristics of Air-assist and Airblast Planar Injectors”, Proceeding of the Twelfth National Conference of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineer, pp. 115-124, 1995.

8. M. R. Wang, F. C. Chuang, and M.S. Sheu, “Effects of Design Parameter on Atomization Performance in a Simplex Atomizer”, Proceeding of the Fifth National Conference of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineer, pp.511-516, 1998.

9. M. R. Wang, Y. C. Kang, M. S. Sheu, “Effects of Atomization Air-assist and Air-blast Type Planar Injector”, The 40 conference on Aeronautics and Astronautics, R. O. C, Taichung, Taiwan, December, pp.291-298, 1998.

10. M. R. Wang, W.H. Liu, C.M. Huang, M.S. Sheu, “Combustion Performance of a Pyramid Burner”, The Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 99, pp.563-566, 1999.

11. M. R. Wang, S.J.Yang, Y.L.Liu, M.S. Sheu, "Application of a Forced Type Molten Metal Injector in Spray Forming", AASRC/CIROC/CSCA Aerospac Joint Conference, pp.605-612, 1999.

12. 王覺寬, 劉玉龍, 徐明生,  "Effects of Tangential Impinging Jet on Spray Atomization", 八十九年度中華民國力學學會年會暨第24屆全國力學會議., pp.B4, 2000.

13. 王覺寬, 賴春維, 徐明生, 古晉光, "Atomization of Liquid Spray in Hartmann Resonator", CIROC CSCA AASRC Joint Conference, pp.C1-315-C1-321, 2001.

14. 王覺寬, 林天柱, 徐明生,  "Atomization of Planar Liquid Metal Atomization for Metal Powder Production", CIROC CSCA AASRC Joint Conference, pp.AA-99- AA-105, 2001.

15.Ming-Shen Sheu, Ming-Long Lin, "Dynamic Characteristics of Spray Droplets with Side Jet Impingingment", The 25th Nation Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, pp.13, 2001.

16. Ming-Shen Sheu, "Atomization in Spray Jet from a Micro-nozzle", Journal of Air Force Institute of Technology, pp.51-60, 2002.

17. M.R. Wang, T.C. Lin, C.J. Yang, Z.Z. Kuo, M.S. Sheu, "Effects of Operating Conditions on Molten Metal Atomization in a Linear Internal Mixing Atomizer", The 7th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems- Aisa, Nov. 14-16, 2002

18. 王覺寬, 林天柱, 楊哲睿, 徐明生, "Effects of Aspect Ratio on Molten Metal Atomization in a Linear Atomizer", 中華民國燃燒學會第13屆學術研討會暨九十二年會員大會, pp.97, 2003.

19. 王覺寬, 郭振展, 林天柱, 楊哲睿, 邱俊賢, 徐明生, "Effects of Orifice Area on Atomization Characteristics of Molten Metal in a Linear Atomizer", 中國航空太空學會/中華民用航空學會學術研討會, A1王覺寬2(修訂版).pdf, 2003.

20. 徐明生, "高溫液態金屬氣霧噴嘴的研究及氣動力分析", 中華民國燃燒學會第14屆學術研討會暨九十二年會員大會, pp.V-08, 2004.

21. Wang, M.R., M.S. Sheu, T.C. Lin, J.R. Yang, “Effects of Aspect Ratio on Molten Metal Atomization,” International Symposium on Experimental Mechanics, December 28-30, 2002, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

22. Wang, M.R., Lin, T.C., Yang, C.J., Kuo, Z.Z., Sheu, M.S., ” Effects of Operating Conditions on Molten Metal Atomization in a Linear Internal Mixing Atomizer,” The 7th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems- Aisa, Nov. 14-16, 2002, Tainan, Taiwan, ROC

23. Sheu Ming-Shen, " Aerodynamics of an Internal-Mixing Nozzle for High-temperature Liquid Metal ",中國航空太空學會/中華民用航空學會學術研討會, C8, pp.166, 2004.

24.王覺寬, 陳品任,黃建敦, 邱俊賢, 徐明生, "金屬噴嘴在二次衝擊氣流作用下之粒子分佈", 中華民國燃燒學會第15屆學術研討會暨九十四年會員大會, pp.82, 2005. 民國94年3月26日。

25. M.R. Wang, P.R. Chen, J.D. Huang, D.S. Lai, M.S. Shen, " Dynamic Characteristics of Molten Metallic Spray with Side Jet Impingement", AASRC / CCAS Joint Conference, A4, pp.31, 2005.

26. M.S. Shen, P.R. Yang, J.S. Chiu , " Study of C-D Channel with a Supersonic Nozzle for Processes of Metal Powder Production", AASRC / CCAS Joint Conference, A4, pp.32, 2005.

27. M.S. Shen, P.R. Yang, J.S. Chiu , "Characteristics of a Supersonic Nozzle for Metal Powder Production ", AASRC / CCAS Joint Conference, A4, pp.33, 2005.

28. M.R. Wang, C.Chan. Kuo, C.J. Yang, J.S. Chiu,  M. S. Sheu , " Production of Metal Powder by Gas Atomization Processes in a Linear Atomizer with Low Aspect Ratio ", ICAM2005, International Conference on Advanced Manufacture Nov 28 - Dec 2, Taipei, Taiwan..

29. T. C. Lin, M. R. Wang, T. S. Lai,  M.S. Sheu , " Optimization of Gas Atomization processes in Production of Ultra-Fine Solder Powder ", Paper ID ICLASS06-042, ICLASS2006, Aug.27-Sept.1, 2006, Kyoto, Japan.

30. M. R. Wang, C. J. Yang, J. D. Huang,  T.C  Lin, M.S. Sheu , " Effectsof Substrate Geometry on Performance of Twin-Fluid Atomizer in Metal Powder Production", Paper ID ICLASS06-041, ICLASS2006, Aug.27-Sept.1, 2006, Kyoto, Japan.

31 J. M. Char, M. S. Sheu  , C.Y. Lin, " The Improvement of Supercritical Fluid Cleaning Mechanism by Using Spray Injector ", AASRC/CCAS Joint Conference ,A2-11, 2007



34. 徐明生、陳楊正光、張裕葦, 葉片失速的延遲藉由後緣加一平板的研究, 「2020 第十屆航空科技與飛航安全暨第八屆航空與社會學術研討會,高雄市岡山,論文編號01-03,中華民國109年4月24日。

35.徐明生, 趙凱茜飛機主翼尾流影響T型尾翼的研究 , 2019第九屆航空科技與飛航安全暨第七屆航空與社會聯合學術研討會、高雄市岡山,論文編號01-03,中華民國108年6月6日。

36.Ming-Shen Sheu, Uon-Jien Payne, Shun-Ren Lin,混合對流中受熱等溫平板之製作與研究, 2018第八屆航空科技與飛航安全聯合學術研討會、第六屆航空與社會高雄市岡山,論文編號1-19,中華民國107年5月25日。

37.Ming-Shen Sheu, Uon-Jien Payne, Kuo-Ann Yih, Jia-Wei Li, Analysis of Stall Flow in Turbine Engine Compressor,pp.442, Kangshan Kaohsiung ,pp.442 June 9, 2017, 2017第七屆航空科技與飛航安全暨第五屆航空與社會學術研討會。

38.Ming-Shen Sheu, Uon-Jien Payne, Shun-Ren Lin,混合對流中受熱等溫平板之製作與研究, 2018第八屆航空科技與飛航安全聯合學術研討會、第六屆航空與社會高雄市岡山,論文編號1-19,中華民國107年5月25日。

39.Ming-Shen Sheu, Uon-Jien Payne, Kuo-Ann Yih, Jia-Wei Li, Analysis of Stall Flow in Turbine Engine Compressor,pp.442, Kangshan Kaohsiung ,pp.442 June 9, 2017, 2017第七屆航空科技與飛航安全暨第五屆航空與社會學術研討會

40.王覺寬, 蘇韋霖, 李怡萱, 楊振坤, 徐明生, 鋁矽合金粉末應用於選擇性雷射燒熔之製程參數研究, 論文編號1-2, 2018第八屆航空科技與飛航安全聯合學術研討會、第六屆航空與社會高雄市岡山,中華民國107年5月25日。

41.王覺寬, 王宗男, 尤柏鑅, 徐明生, 高速空氣動力式噴霧製程用銅粉生產之研究, 論文編號1-8, 2018第八屆航空科技與飛航安全聯合學術研討會、第六屆航空與社會高雄市岡山,中華民國107年5月25日。

42.徐明生, 趙凱茜,飛機主翼尾流影響T型尾翼的研究 , 2019第九屆航空科技與飛航安全暨第七屆航空與社會聯合學術研討會、高雄市岡山,論文編號01-03,中華民國108年6月6日。

43.徐明生、陳楊正光、張裕葦, 葉片失速的延遲藉由後緣加一平板的研究, 「2020 第十屆航空科技與飛航安全暨第八屆航空與社會學術研討會,高雄市岡山,論文編號01-03,中華民國109年4月24日。

44. Kuo-Ann Yih, Heng-Pin Hsu, Ken-Ming Tu, Uon-Jien Payne, Ming-Shen Sheu, Natural Convection Flow past a Vertical Truncated Cone in Porous Media,Filled with Nanofluids, Journal of Air Force Institute of Technology, Vol. 20, pp. 22-31 2021.12.1.

45.徐明生、陳楊正光、易國安, 改善混合對流中受熱等溫平板藉由多個加熱模組的研究,2021 第十屆航空科技與飛航安全暨第九屆航空與社會學術研討會,高雄市岡山,論文編號A-8,中華民國110 年 6 月 4日。

46.易國安、許恒斌、杜耿銘、潘永堅、徐明生,第十屆航空科技與飛航安全暨第九屆航空與社會學術研討會,高雄市岡山,論文編號A-4,中華民國110 年 6 月 4日。

47.徐明生、陳楊正光、易國安、吳俊偉 微型發動機的操作與量測研究,2022 第12屆航空科 技與飛航安全暨第10屆航空與社會學術研討會,高雄市岡山,論文編號2-15,中華民國111 年 6 月 1日。

48.徐明生、廖志忠,小型發動機的燃油與滑油檢測與研究, 第13屆航空科技與飛航安全暨第11屆航空與社會學術研討會,高雄市岡山,論文編號01-10,中華民國112 年 4 月 21日。 


C. Research Projects 

1.國科會產學合作計劃"超微粒金屬焊料製造及分級技術研究"(NSC90-2622-E-006-004) ,共同主持人90.8-91.7,國科會與恆碩科技

2.教育部航太教育特色實驗室籌建主持人,90. 8-91.7,教育部。

3.國科會產學合作計劃"超微粒金屬焊料製造及分級技術研究"(NSC91-2622-E-006-087) , 共同主持人, 91.8-92.7, 國科會與恆碩科技。

4.國科會專題計畫"高溫液態金屬氣霧噴嘴的研究及氣動力分析(1/3)"(NSC92-2212-E-344-004), 主持人, 91.8-92.7, 國科會。

5.國科會專題計畫"高溫液態金屬氣霧噴嘴的研究及氣動力分析(2/3)""(NSC93-2212-E-344-001) , 主持人, 92.8-93.7, 國科會。

6.國科會產學合作計劃"超微粒金屬焊料製造及分級技術研究"(NSC92-2622-E-006-002) , 共同主持人92.8-93.7, 國科會與恆碩科技。


汽車修護丙級證照(Auto Repair Class C License)

汽車修護乙級證照(Auto Repair Class B License)

Excellent tutor of the Aviation Academy,2019

Outstanding Faculty in the Ministry of Air Force Command, 2005.

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