- 點閱 2991
- 列印
- 吳威龍
- 職稱:助理教授
- 電話:07-6254141 分機978400
- 電子郵件:fwokd0913@gmail.com、g931315@gmail.com
- 連結網址:個人網站
- 學歷:
Ph.D., Institute of Communications Engineering, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, January 2022
M.S., Department of Computer and Communication Engineering, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, January 2013. - 經歷:
助理教授(Assistant professor)
- 研究方向:
- 教授課程:
Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits and Systems
Communication Electronics
Communication System
Communication System Practice
Computer Networks
A. Published/Accepted Journal Papers
1. Kang-Chun Peng , Wei-Lung Wu , and Jiang-Hong Lin “Reduction of Phase Noise in Fractional-N Frequency Synthesizer Using Self-Injection Locking Loop” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, vol. 68, no.12, pp. 7896-7910, Dec. 2022. (SCI; EI)
2. Kang-Chun Peng , Wei-Lung Wu , “An Injection- and Frequency-Locked Loop for Reducing Phase Noise of Wideband Oscillators,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 398–401, Mar. 2019 (SCI; EI).
B. Conference Papers
1. Kang-Chun Peng , Wei-Lung Wu , “A 24-28 GHz Frequency Synthesizer for 5G Applications” 2021 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (ICCE-TW)
2. 吳威龍、温甫祥(2019,June)。低雜訊發射晶片之設計。2019第九屆航空科技與飛航安全暨第七屆航空與社會學術研討會,6分,如佐證20。
C. Research Projects
Excellent tutor at the Air Force Institute of Technology, 2017.
Outstanding Teacher in the Ministry of Air Force Command, 2019.
Gold medal in the 10th IIIC International Innovation and Invention Competition (IIIC),2019.
Gold medal in the 7th Kaohsiung International Invention and Design Exhibition (KIDE), 2020.
Silver medal in the 11th IIIC International Innovation and Invention Competition (IIIC),2020.
Excellent Teacher at the Air Force Institute of Technology, 2021.
Silver medal in the 8th Kaohsiung International Invention and Design Exhibition (KIDE), 2021.
Silver medal in the 12th IIIC International Innovation and Invention Competition (IIIC),2021.
Excellent tutor at the Air Force Institute of Technology, 2022.
Gold medal in the 9th Kaohsiung International Invention and Design Exhibition (KIDE), 2022.
Gold medal in the XVI International Warsaw Invention Show (IWIS), 2022.