- 點閱 2101
- 列印
- 詹政翰
- 職稱:助理教授
- 電話:07-6258738 分機07
- 電子郵件:errmatlab@gmail.com
- 學歷:
- 經歷:
A. Published/Accepted Journal Papers
1. Wei-Hsiung Tseng; Diana Juan; Wei-Cheng Hsiao; Cheng-Han Chan; Hsin-Yi Ma; Hsiao-Yi Lee, “Study on Application of Solar Double - effect Sterilization System in Organic Soil Treatment,” 2018 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, April 13-17, 2018, Chiba , Tokyo, Japan.(Accepted)
2. Wei-Hsiung Tseng; Diana Juan; Wei-Cheng Hsiao; Hsin-Yi Ma; Hsiao-Yi Lee; Cheng-Han Chan, “Study of outdoor physical optics UV LED mosquito-attractant system powered by solar energy,” 2018 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, April 13-17, 2018, Chiba , Tokyo, Japan.(Accepted)
3. Wei-Hsiung Tseng,Diana Juan,Wei-Cheng Hsiao,Cheng-Han Chan,Hsin-Yi Ma and Hsiao-Yi Lee, “Design of a Secondary Freeform Lens of UV LED Mosquito-Trapping Lamp for Enhancing Trapping Efficiency “Crystals 2018, Volume 8, Issue 9, p335.(SCI)
4. Wei-Hsiung Tseng , Diana Juan , Wei-Cheng Hsiao , Yi Chian Chen , Cheng-Han Chan , Hsin-Yi Ma and Hsiao-Yi Lee , “Bird-Wing Optical-Reflector Design with Photocatalyst for Low-Glare Mosquito Trapping System with Light-Emitting Diodes “Crystals 2019, Volume 9, Issue 3, p139. (SCI)
5. Wei-HsiungTseng,DianaJuan,Wei-ChengHsiao,Cheng-HanChan,Kuang-ChingWang,Hsin-YiMa,Hsiao-YiLee, “Optical design and study of a wireless IV drip detection device ”Microelectronics Reliability 2019, Volume 102, November 2019,113325.
6. 詹政翰,即時監測技術在點滴系統之應用,2020航空技術學院學報,2020航空技術學院學報,Journal of Air Force Institute of Technology, Vol.19,pp. 93-98,2020。
Conference Papers
1. 詹政翰,智慧捕鼠器, 2019, 空軍航空技術學院航空通訊電子系,第九屆航空科技與飛航安全暨第七屆航空與社會學術研討會
2. 詹政翰,血氧生命徵象器, 2020, 空軍航空技術學院航空通訊電子系,第十屆航空科技與飛航安全暨第八屆航空與社會學術研討會
3. 詹政翰,行動酒測器, 2021, 空軍航空技術學院航空通訊電子系,第十一屆航空科技與飛航安全暨第九屆航空與社會學術研討會
(1). 詹政翰,108軍事校院教師(官)學術研究專案,磁共振無線充電平台研製與效能提升研究,協同主持人
(2) 詹政翰,110軍事校院教師(官)學術研究專案,整合相位陣列雷達技術之 5G 小型基站天線系統開發,協同主持人