- 點閱 2101
- 列印
- 林啟裕
- 職稱:副教授兼資圖中心主任
- 電話:07-6258738 分機978401
- 電子郵件:takiincku@yahoo.com.tw
- 學歷:
國立成功大學航空太空工程研究所 碩士
國立成功大學航空太空工程研究所 博士
- 經歷:
助理教授(Assistant professor)
副教授(Associate professor)
- 研究方向:
微型無人飛行載具(Unmanned aerial vehicles)
實驗流力 (Experimental fluid dynamics)
合成噴流之應用 (Application of Synthetic Jet)
螢光材料光電特性之研究(Photoelectric properties of fluorescent materials)
- 教授課程:
A. Journal
- Lin,C.Y., Wei, C.Y., Lin, J.L., Chiang, C.H., and Hsiao, F.B., “Investigation of the Design, Fabrication, and Aerodynamic Properties of Fixed-Wing MAV ” Journal of Air Force Institute of Technology,Vol.5, No.1 , pp139-148,2006.
- Lin, J.L., Wei, C.Y., and Lin, C.Y., “Aerodynamic Performance of Thin Wings at Low Reynolds Numbers, ” Journal of Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Vol.79, No3 ,pp245-253, 2007. (SCI)
- Lin, J.L., Wei, C.Y. and Lin, C.Y., “Design and Testing of Fixed-Wing MAVs,” Journal of Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Vol.79, No4 ,pp346-351, 2007. (SCI)
- Hsiao, F.B., Lin, C.Y., Liu, Y.C., Wang, D.B., Wei, C.Y., Chiang, C.H., and Hsu, C.C., “Thickness Effect on Low-Aspect-Ratio Wing Aerodynamic Characteristics at a Low Reynolds Number,” Journal of Mechanics, Vol.24, No. 3, pp.223-228,2008.(SCI)
- Lin, J.L., Wei, C.Y., and Lin, C.Y., “Aerodynamic Performance of Thin Wings at Low Reynolds Numbers, ”Journal of Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Vol.81, No1 ,pp51-58, 2009. (SCI)
- Char, J.M., Chiang, C.H., Chan, T.C., Hsu, U.K., Huang, C.J., and Lin, C.Y., “Developments of Long-Endurance Small Jointed-Wing UAV, ” Journal of Aerodynamics/Astronautics and Aviation, Series B, Vol.42, No.1, pp.11-18, 2010 (EI)
- Lin, C.Y., and Hsiao, F.B., “Experimental Study of Flow Separation Over NACA 633018 Wing with Synthetic Jet Control at Low Reynolds Numbers,” Journal of Mechanics, Vol. 29, pp.45-52, 2013 (SCI)
- Lin, C.Y., Bai, C.J. and Hsiao, F.B., “An Investigation on Fundamental Characteristics of Excited Synthetic Jet Actuator Under Cavity and Diaphragm Resonances” Procedia Engineering, Vol. 79, pp.35-44, 2014 (EI)
- Lin, C.Y., Lin, J. L, Yang, C. F., "Analysis of External Flow Characteristics in Two-Dimensional Synthetic under Excitation Produced by Cavity Resonance," Journal of Vibroengineering, Vol. 18, pp. 4042-4050, 2016 (SCI)
- Lin, C.Y. Yang, S. H., Lin, J. L., and Yang, C. F., “ Effects of the Concentration of Eu3+ Ions and Synthesizing Temperature on the Luminescence Properties of Sr2−xEuxZnMoO6 Phosphors,” Applied Sciences, Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 1-11, 2017 (SCI)
- Tsai, S.T., Lin, C.Y., , Wu, S.M., Chang, C.Y.,Yang, C.F."Analyses and statistics of the electrical fail for flip chip packaging by using ANSYS simulation software and really underfill materials" Microsyst Technol, Vol. 24, pp. 4017-4024, 2017 (SCI)
- Yang, C.F., Lin, C.Y., , "Investigation of luminescent properties of Eu3+ doped double perovskite Ba2ZnMoO6 phosphors by using solid-state reaction method" Microsyst technol, Vol. 24, pp.4067-4074, 2018 (SCI)
- Liu, J., Lin, C.Y.,Tzou, W.C., Hsueh, N.K., Yang, C.F., Chen, Y., “Reflection of blue light using Bi-layer Al2O3-TiO2 e-beam coating films” Cryst. Growth, Des. Vol. 18, pp.5426-5433, 2018.
- Lin, C.Y., Lin, J.L., “Flow characteristics of two-dimensional synthetic jets under diaphragm resonance excitation,” Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 2018, (SCI), (accepted)
B. Conference
- Hsiao, Fei-Bin, Lin, Chi-Yu, Wei, Chin-Yi, Chiang, Chih-Huang, “Investigation of Aerodynamic Performance on Low Aspect-Ratio Wing at Low Reynolds Numbers,” The 28th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taipei, Taiwan, 3-4 December 2004.
- Wei, Chin-Yi, Lin,Chi-Yu, Hsiao, Fei-Bin, “Investigation of Aerodynamic Performance on Thin Wings at Low Reynolds Numbers” AASRC/CCAS Joint conference, Taichung, Taiwan, December 2004.
- Lin, Jih-Lung, Wei,Chin-Yi , Lin, Chi-Yu, Hsiao,Fei-Bin, “薄機翼微飛機之氣動力特性研究” AASRC/CCAS Joint conference, Taichung, Taiwan, December 2005.
- Hsiao, Fei-Bin, Lin, Chi-Yu, Liu, Yi-Chung, Wang, Di-Bao, Wei, Chin-Yi, Chiang, Chih-Huang, Hsu, Cheng-Chiang, “Investigation of Aerodynamic Performance on Low-Aspect-Ratio Wings at Low Reynolds Numbers” 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit Conference, Paper No, AIAA-2006-1266, January 8-12, 2006, Reno, Nevada.
- Char, J.M., Sheu, M.S., and Lin, C.Y., “The Improvement of Supercritical Fluid Cleaning Mechanism by Using Spray Injector,” AASRC/CCAS Joint conference, Pingtung, Taiwan, November, 2007.
- Lin, C.Y., Hsiao, F.B., Hsu, C.C., and Hsu, C.W., “Experimental Studies on the Resonance of Piezoelectric-Driven Synthetic Jet Actuator,” AASRC/CCAS Joint conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan, December, 2010.
- Lin, C.Y., and Hsiao, F.B., “Experimental Studies of Flow Separation Over NACA633018 Wing with Synthetic-Jet Control at Low Reynolds Numbers,” AASRC/CCAS Joint conference, Taichung, Taiwan, November, 2011.
- Lin, C.Y. and Hsiao, F.B. “Investigation on the Flow Characteristics of Synthetic Jet Under Excitation Condition at Resonance of Diaphragm,” Conference of Chinese Air Force Academic, Kaohsiung, October, 2013.
- Lin, C.Y., Lin, J.L., Yang, C.F., Chang H.L.,“ Analysis of External Flow Characteristics for Two-Dimensional Synthetic Jets under Excitation of Cavity Resonance,” International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Osaka, Japan, May, 2015.
Yang, S., Li, W.Y., Yang, C. F.,Lin, C.Y., Chen, C.Y., "Effect of Nd2O3 Concentration on the Photoluminescence Characteristics of Zn2SiO4 Phosphor," International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Osaka, Japan, May, 2015.
1.『探討合成噴流在薄膜共振與腔體共振激擾下渦結構的差異性』,計畫編號:MOST 103-2218-E-344-001,執行期間:2014.09.01至2015.08.31。(計畫主持人)
2.『探討Sr2ZnMoO6及Ca2ZnMoO6摻雜 Eu3+離子的螢光特性之研究』,計畫編號:MOST 105-2221-E-344-002,執行期間:2016.08.01至2017.07.31。(計畫主持人)